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Covered California Coverage for COVID-19

ACA plans cover ALL medically necessary testing and treatment.
You can not be denied coverage for having COVID-19 or other pre-existing conditions.
There are no annual or lifetime dollar limits on the benefits you receive.
These benefits apply to all ACA-compliant plans, and we ONLY show ACA-compliant plans.
How it Works

Step 1
See What Savings You Qualify For
It takes less than a minute.

Step 2
Compare All Your Options
Understand all the details so you can be confident you're choosing the right plan.

Experts that are right by your side.
Our team of customer service agents are experts in health insurance so you don't have to be.
Anytime you need help—whether choosing, using or understanding a plan —just give us a call at (800) 650-0922.
Just a Call Away
Our team is available all year long by phone or chat.
Completely Free
Our service is free to anyone who needs it, year-round.
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